This He Died Young Professional Prone

Any occupation or profession are subject to risks and consequences of each. However, research shows that jobs with high stress levels and also the most prone tedious job to make people die young.

Stress is known to be a risk factor for various diseases
dangerous, such as heart disease, hypertension and stroke. Some jobs with high stress levels can also be detrimental to health.

A study conducted by scientists the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London, found that jobs with high stress levels are twice as likely to make workers experience serious depression or anxiety that has been shown to bring adverse effects on health.

The work that has the highest stress levels, such as whether

1. Head chef at a large restaurant 2. Construction workers under pressure to complete construction on time

The report showed that people with this job six times more likely to experience stress. High-stress job as other than work with a certain time limit, the chef also prone to failure, the results are immediately visible.
While construction workers have to face the hard physical work every day with environmental conditions of extreme heat and cold and often without support or encouragement.
In addition to these two jobs, there are also some other jobs that have high stress levels, among others:

1. Fire brigade
2. Doctor
3. Nurse
4. Stock brokers (those who conduct transactions in financial instruments in the stock market)
5. Accountant

Not only jobs with high stress levels, other studies conducted by researchers from University College London, found that the risk of boring work that makes people die young.
Over 25 years of research conducted on 7000 participants with the boring jobs (the average is a civil servant in Britain), 40 percent of them are more likely to die at the end of the study.
According to the researchers, people who do the boring jobs more often doing other work that is bad for health, such as smoking and alcohol drinking, rather than people who enjoy their work.
To overcome the boredom in the workplace, psychologists say that people should start thinking about the needs of others, especially loved ones and family, thus avoiding the other bad habits for health.
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, job stress comes from many factors, among others:

1. Long working hours with little or no rest
2. Unable to participate in decision-making process
3. Demands results related to the life of another person
4. Physically dangerous.