Savor Garlic for health

Garlic can be used for alternative medicine as follows:

Garlic Benefits

a. Garlic Flu and Cough.

The content of sulfur contained in garlic make it a distinctive smell and taste that can enhance and accelerate the activities of mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, which helps relieve compression and mucus. Raw Garlic contains phytochemicals that may help kill bacteria and viruses that cause disease. In 1992, researchers from Brigham Young University in Utah reported that crushed garlic in oil to kill not only kill rhinivirus type 2 (umun cause flu), but also kill the 2 types of herpes (infectious skin disease) and some other common viruses.

How do I use it? Eat as much garlic as soon as you feel sick or add garlic to the dish. You can also make a cough medicine with this recipe: Mash garlic and input into the cold milk in a saucepan, then heat about 1-2 minutes, and drink warm.

b. Garlic and Cholesterol

Now there are more than 12 studies published worldwide that ensure that the garlic in various forms can reduce cholesterol. Therefore, it can be concluded that garlic can cure high blood pressure, heart disease. One study, published in "The Journal of The Royal College of Physicians" by Silagy and Neil HAW CS in 1994 mentioned that garlic is an agent for reducing fat. The authors state that garlic supplements is an important part in healing high cholesterol. According to him, overall, a decrease of 12% of total cholesterol. This decrease occurred after 4 weeks of treatment.

c. Garlic and Cancer

Benefits of Garlic also has content for the fight against cancer, particularly stomach and colon cancer. Organosulfida contained in garlic help the liver process the toxic chemical compounds, including chemical compounds that cause cancer of some epidemiological studies show that people who consume lots of garlic lower risk of stomach cancer and colon. To ensure that you will get maximum results, researchers from Penn State Unipersity recommend to let the first piece of onion or a collision for at least 10 minutes, give it time to form onion-content compounds that help fight cancer.

d. Garlic and Pregnancy

Recent research shows that consuming garlic during pregnancy reduces the risk of pregnancy complication pre-eclampsia (increased blood pressure protein in the urine). The studies also revealed that garlic also help boost weight than babies who are too small. Research conducted by Dr. D. Sooranna, Ms. J. Hirani and Dr. I Das in the Academic Department of Obsterrics and Gynaecology, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London UK. They concluded that although pre-eclampsia and growth retardation is a complex condition, consuming garlic in a standard tablet during pregnancy can reduce the possibilities of complications at birth. They focus on growth retardation in infants and pre-eclampsia, a condition which is very dangerous for mother and child that occurs in approximately one in ten pregnancies.

Experiments showed that adding extracts of garlic to cells plaasenta are likely to suffer from those conditions shown to stimulate growth. Furthermore, the activities of important enzymes are reduced in abnormal pregnancies is also greatly improved with the given garlic.

e. As a Healer Hemorrhoid

First used to clean the anus and the surrounding area with warm water and soap, apply the juice / some garlic cloves that have been crushed as much as 3-5 times in the anus that has been cleaned up, wait a few minutes and then cleaned.

f. Increase Stamina

Having studied in depth, it turns out garlic can be a source of stamina and physical strength are high. Although previously they rarely got sick, they are suddenly susceptible to the flu, people - especially people like these that require stamina builder power contained in garlic. The people who tire easily should increase their stamina by eating a little garlic each day in the long term. How, can we mix in the preparation of our cuisine and swallow.

g. Controlling Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes mellitus is an inherited disease characterized by not enough insulin in the body, as a result of excess sugar in the blood and urine, as well as a great hunger and thirst. Sufferers always want to eat sweets, and although he likes to eat sweets and other food, body weight tended to decrease. The main symptoms, decreased resistance to germs and bacterial skin disorders and decreased sexual desire, intestine and blood vessel disease. Use it wisely garlic in the diet is one way to get the greatest benefit from the food eaten thus contributes to good body condition.

Effect of Garlic Consumption

As a result of consuming too much garlic makes us a sweet breath, because the content of the garlic. To eliminate them we can perform the following ways:
1. Drinking water of strong tea or coffee after mengkonsunsi garlic
2. Eat the skin by chewing lime
3. Keep up with food that is made from protein, liver, and eggs
4. Using garlic in advance by boiling or made into pickles

In consuming garlic should not be eaten raw, because it can interfere with the stomach. It is therefore recommended for first garlic boiled, fried, or grilled before eating. But garlic may not be used in any form when there is a disease outbreak in the stomach and colon.