nicotine it can help protect brain cells

CIGARETTE always considered the culprit of many diseases. But, to help reduce the risk of Parkinson's. Of course, not all people have to smoke.
Parkinson's is loss of brain cells that gave rise to the chemical dopamine, which impacted trembling, cold, slow movement and problems with body balance.Laborat in America studied 210 men and women with Parkinson's disease and 310 healthy people. As a result, smokers have lower risk and 50% of Parkinson's disease. In fact, heavy smokers 70% lower the disease.
The researchers also stated, tea and cola drinkers have a risk reduction factor of Parkinson's than those who only consume water.

Toxins exist in tea or cola, allowing travel inhibit enzymes cause Parkinson's. Likewise with nicotine, thus separated from the talks or coughs cancer, smoking has the power of inhibiting or killing chemicals that enter the cause of Parkinson's brain cell.

In conclusion, nicotine may help protect brain cells. This is not recommended to smoke so as not affected by Parkinson's. Because, many ways of inhibiting chemicals that poison the brain. By itself, if not high-risk foods, will not be experienced by Parkinson's ...

Hopefully helpful