11 Habits That Can Damage Brain

Having studied in a laboratory in the world renowned found a very surprising fact ..!!! That turned out to have a custom which often even every day performed by humans that can damage our brains.

There are 11 habits that we always do every day that can damage our brains. Please refer to the 11 habits listed below:

1. No breakfast
Those who traditionally do not eat breakfast have lower blood sugar levels. As a result supply of nutrients to the brain becomes less. The brain also needs "to eat" in order to work optimally.

2. Eat too much
Too much to eat, let alone a high-fat, can lead to hardening of blood vessels in the brain because of accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall. As a result the ability of the brain will decrease.

3. Smoke
Toxic chemicals in cigarettes are inhaled, such as carbon monoxide, will hinder the ability of blood to carry oxygen throughout the body including the brain, causing rapid shrinkage of the brain. Nicotine also may reduce levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and raise levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood. Consequently, disrupted transport fat to clog blood vessels and block the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Smoking also can lead to Alzheimer's disease.

4. Consuming too much sugar
Consumption of too much sugar can also cause disruption of the absorption of proteins and nutrients. As a result, nutritional imbalances that would interfere with brain development.

5. Air pollution does not wear a mask
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain so it can reduce the efficiency or power of the brain.

6. Sleep deprivation
The brain needs sleep as a time to rest and recover her abilities. Lack of sleep for a long time will accelerate the damage to brain cells.

7. Head covered while sleeping
The habit of sleeping with closed head can increase the concentration of carbon dioxide resulting in lower oxygen process that can lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Less stimulate the mind
Thinking is the best way to train our brain. Lack of stimulation in the brain can reduce working capacity of nerve cells, causing brain mengkerutnya brain.

9. Rarely communicates
Communication is needed as one means accelerate the ability of the brain. Communicate intellectual work can trigger optimal brain function. Rare intellectual ability to communicate will cause the brain to be less well trained.

10. Think hard when sick
Working too hard or push for the use of mind when the pain can cause excessive fatigue on the brain and reduce the effectiveness of its work so that it can damage the brain.

11. Many play - play
Avoid doing a lot of games that are not important example : hour - busy playing playstation can make our brains continue to imagine things that just played, so that your brain memory the other part covered the imagination - the imagination that will make you keep thinking game.